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Cybersecurity Assessments

Do you know if your network security measures are keeping you safe? Are you willing to bet your business on it?

Cybersecurity Assessments

Do you know if your network security measures are adequately protecting your network? Technologies from 3 or even 5 years ago are often insufficient to safeguard your data from today’s modern threats.

One common misconception we hear is that investment in cybersecurity means safety. As hackers, malicious actors, malware authors, and cybercriminals evolve, so do their techniques and capabilities. Even though you may have installed the latest and greatest firewall, if your employees aren’t trained to identify security threats and phishing emails, your business may still be vulnerable. It’s imperative to complete a thorough review of your devices, configurations, and people to ensure you business data is protected.

The best way to ensure your network is safe is to partner with Safe Network Solutions to review your system from top to bottom. The purpose of our assessment is to provide an unbiased glimpse into the security of your office systems.

Should we find any gaps, we’ll provide guidance for remediation to eliminate the threat from your network. Taking a proactive approach to evaluate the safety of your network will help keep your business growing, compliance officers out of your hair, and your name off the news.

Cybersecurity Assessments

What’s included in a Cybersecurity Assessment?

Safe Network Solutions will thoroughly evaluate your IT Infrastructure to provide you with a clear roadmap to best-in-class security protocols. The assessment evaluates the following critical items in your environment:

Security Protocols & Standards

Security Protocols & Standards

We will review your password strength, multi-factor authentication usage, conditional access policies, network administration access, firewall functionality and effectiveness, unpatched software vulnerabilities, and other network-wide protections.

Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness

Understanding the vulnerabilities of a system and planning for weaknesses is a critical piece of securing your environment. Our team will examine physical safeguards to data, threats to your systems, personnel weaknesses, and data backups. Knowing multiple layers are in place and functioning is vital to your network security.

Administrative Controls

Administrative Controls

When software, people, hardware, or vendors change, an opportunity exists for security gaps to appear. During our assessment, we will verify comprehensive protocols are in place to remove employee and vendor access from your network once their job is complete. Is cybersecurity insurance in place? Are the policies adequate for your risk? Additionally, validating protocols are followed with logs and documentation is necessary to ensure protocols properly followed.

Cybersecurity Work Plan

Cybersecurity Work Plan

Following our assessment, we will review our findings with your team. In this meeting, we identify next steps, propose remediation steps, and establish a timeline to implement the changes. Upon completion, we will schedule a follow-up to validate the changes have been effective.

Schedule an Assessment Today

Effective security is about validating safeguards that are in place and then following those established protocols every time without fail. Completing a security assessment can put your mind at ease.

Making proper investments in your network security is part of a comprehensive IT Support solution. Training your team to identify vulnerabilities is equally important. Contact us today to begin securing your business data.

Is a Cybersecurity Assessment right for your business? Download our eBook today