Data Management

Data Management Resources and Community Content

Recovery Test Your Data Backups

Safe Network Solutions is a technology consulting firm located in Nashville, TN. We are focused on reducing our Clients’ stress and the time they spend handling IT related issues. As technology has become more integrated with daily business tasks, downtime is not an option.

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Streamline Digital Media Storage with NAS

Streamline Digital Media Storage with NAS Many businesses rely on digital media (photographers, designers, and real estate agents come to mind). Needing photos and videos leads to the headache of handling portable storage devices. A nice solution is network-attached storage (NAS). So, why is it good for a business to go the NAS route? Network-attached […]

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Adding Accountability to Remote Work

Adding Accountability to Remote Work Today, businesses are embracing digital technology to enable productivity anywhere, any time. Yet ensuring accountability is a stumbling block to widespread acceptance of remote work. Recently, COVID-19 has forced many businesses to transition quickly to working from home. Even bosses concerned about lack of control over absent employees had to […]

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Take IT off Your Plate with an MSP Partnership

Take IT off Your Plate with an MSP Partnership Let’s be realistic. You don’t care about information technology (IT). Or, you do, but only so far as it supports you getting the things you care about done. You’d rather not think about IT at all. Many businesses are that way. That’s fine by us. We […]

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PSSST… Are You Protected Against Leakware?

PSSST… Are You Protected Against Leakware? You’ve heard about ransomware by now. Cybercriminals access and encrypt your data. You have to pay a “ransom” for the key to unlock it. Leakware is similar, but now the bad actors are threatening to post confidential information online if you don’t pay up. When you think about it, […]

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What’s Causing Your Bandwidth Woes?

What’s Causing Your Bandwidth Woes? Every time employees send or receive data online they need bandwidth. Like time and money, bandwidth is a scarce resource in many offices. After all, computers and digital devices rely on bandwidth to complete tasks online. Bandwidth is the amount of information that can be sent or received per second. […]

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