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Existing Clients: (615) 522-0080

Why Work With Safe Network Solutions?

Our mission is to serve and empower our partners so they can best serve others.

That’s why our service quality is founded on the following five priorities to ensure you are heard and understood, and that your expectations are exceeded…

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Why Work With Safe Network Solutions?

Our mission is to serve and empower our partners so they can best serve others.

That’s why our service quality is founded on the following five priorities to ensure you are heard and understood, and that your expectations are exceeded…

  • Hunger For Results
  • Listen And Seek To Understand
  • Humble Yet Confident
  • Thirst For Growth
  • Emotional Intelligence

How We Serve & Empower Our Partners

Hunger For Results

We are a team built on trust, constructive in conflict, concise in commitment, and linked in accountability.

Synonyms: Partnership, Synergy, Cooperation, Collaborative, Responsive
  • Helping others achieve goals
  • Believing in each other
  • Saying what you mean
  • Doing what you say
  • Open & Honest
  • Confidence in the team
  • Continuous improvement
  • Offering to take “on-call” for someone else when a conflict arises
  • Working with a vendor to discover the root cause of a problem, even if we are the cause
  • Holding each other fiercely accountable for things we said we would do

Hunger For Results
Listen And Seek To Understand
Listen And Seek To Understand

We are a team intent on listening to others; working to understand their position/pain/need /expectations.

Synonyms: Attentive, Empathetic, Observative, Perceptive
  • Others-Focused
  • Hearing the meaning behind the words
  • Active listening
  • Hypothesizing and not assuming
  • Actively listening and repeating back the request to convey understanding
  • Hearing details that others don’t (understanding more than IT needs—know the person)
  • Open mind when hypothesizing on potential causes and solutions
  • The ability to listen and respond in a calculated yet empathetic way to make the other person feel heard and respected

Humble Yet Confident

We are a team humble in thought and confident in action.

Synonyms: Modest, Respectful, Teachable, Assured, Knowledgeable, Centered
  • Hypothesizing and not assuming
  • Knowing what you know and don’t know
  • Seeing people as ends and NOT means to an end
  • Being graceful when you’re wrong
  • Being graceful when you’re right
  • Provide answers in a cohesive and understanding way; open to learning and constructive criticism
  • Open to admitting mistakes, recognize what you don’t know, and speak up about it
  • Jovial winner, but equally humble in defeat
Humble Yet Confident
Thirst For Growth
Thirst For Growth

We are a team with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, personal growth, and desire for improvement.

Synonyms: Betterment, Mastery, Enhancement, Progress
  • Never satisfied with the status quo
  • A need to improve
  • Focused and applied curiosity
  • Ability to recognize where growth is needed
  • Ability to recognize how much growth is needed
  • Pushing through uncomfortable conversations and situations for the betterment of relationships
  • Pursuing knowledge during on and off time
  • Asking for feedback on what you do to push forward and remove obstacles
  • Able to accept areas of weakness and then improve them
Emotional Intelligence

We are a team that is passionate about the right goals to the right degree at the right time for the right purpose in the right way.

Synonyms: Empathy, Soft skills, Emotional quotient, Social intelligence, Social graces
  • The ability to interact with people differently
  • Positively influencing the emotions of others
  • Awareness of your own and others’ emotions
  • Capacity to control and express emotions
  • Empathetic interactions that create a force for positivity
  • Balancing emotional distance and emotional engagement under the right circumstances
  • Ability to have difficult conversations in a manner that was conducive to communication
  • Staying calm and cool during stressful times
  • Keeping your eye on the goal without getting wrapped around the axle of emotions
Emotional Intelligence
Safe Network Solutions

Safe Network Solutions —
An IT Partner That Empowers You

Upholding the core values of Safe Network Solutions in every client interaction creates a different kind of partnership with our company.

Whether you have in-house servers or you are looking to cloud computing, our team can solve your IT challenges.

If this sounds like something that could benefit your office, contact us to start a conversation. We can’t wait to share our values through action.

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